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Re: [Nova] MySQL drivers in DB


For some reason tables are getting created as default type.  There is a migration in the history to convert tables to InnoDB, but anything created after that migration will go in as the default type.  We can add another migration to convert all of the other tables, but I think the right method here might be to set the default table type in mysql to innodb before running nova-manage db sync.


On Oct 11, 2011, at 1:55 PM, Nick Sokolov wrote:

> Hi stackers!
> I noticed, that tables in database use two database engines instead of two, but model descriptions does not override __table_args__ = {'mysql_engine': 'InnoDB'}.
> This is design decision or migration_repo bug, or something else?
> mysql> select table_name, table_type, engine FROM information_schema.tables;
> +---------------------------------------+-------------+--------+
> | table_name                            | table_type  | engine |
> +---------------------------------------+-------------+--------+
>    .... system tables here ....
> | agent_builds                          | BASE TABLE  | MyISAM |
> | auth_tokens                           | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | block_device_mapping                  | BASE TABLE  | MyISAM |
> | certificates                          | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | compute_nodes                         | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | console_pools                         | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | consoles                              | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | export_devices                        | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | fixed_ips                             | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | floating_ips                          | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | instance_actions                      | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | instance_metadata                     | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | instance_type_extra_specs             | BASE TABLE  | MyISAM |
> | instance_types                        | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | instances                             | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | iscsi_targets                         | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | key_pairs                             | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | migrate_version                       | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | migrations                            | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | networks                              | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | projects                              | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | provider_fw_rules                     | BASE TABLE  | MyISAM |
> | quotas                                | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | security_group_instance_association   | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | security_group_rules                  | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | security_groups                       | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | services                              | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | snapshots                             | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | user_project_association              | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | user_project_role_association         | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | user_role_association                 | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | users                                 | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | virtual_interfaces                    | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | virtual_storage_arrays                | BASE TABLE  | MyISAM |
> | volume_metadata                       | BASE TABLE  | MyISAM |
> | volume_type_extra_specs               | BASE TABLE  | MyISAM |
> | volume_types                          | BASE TABLE  | MyISAM |
> | volumes                               | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> | zones                                 | BASE TABLE  | InnoDB |
> +---------------------------------------+-------------+--------+
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