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Nova Essex Blueprint Targeting and Assignment


Hello Everyone,

I've (finally managed) to get all of the blueprints organized and assigned to essex.  I've assigned any that had no user assigned to them to the subteams.  From here on I will need help from the subteam leads to:

a) Assign blueprints to the individual(s) that will be implementing them
b) Prioritize blueprints
c) Target blueprints to a specific milestone
d) Adding new blueprints for new work that the subteam agrees is necessary
e) Getting rid of duplicate or unnecessary blueprints (this is done by marking the blueprint obsolete or superseeded.  I hope any core member can do this, but if not, just let me know the blueprint and I will do it for you)

Top priority right now is targeting essex-1 blueprints.  We have only two weeks left before essex-1. I've targeted the features that I know are already under review.  If there are any blueprints that have been started and should land by then, please let me know, so we can finalize the essex-1 plan.  It would be nice to get all of the blueprints targeted, but we definitely need to start with essex-1.  We are hoping to have essex-1 finalized by Thursday.
