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info: wiki maintenance at 10:00 UTC Sat. 11/5/11


Hi all -

As much as I enjoy hearing from stackers requesting wiki accounts daily,
we're hoping to move towards a single sign-on solution for the OpenStack
wiki, using your Launchpad account as your identity.

We're going to need a wiki maintenance window to test the switch at 10:00
UTC Sat. 11/5/11
The wiki will be unavailable for about an hour this Saturday.

Once we test the solution, I'll send another email letting you know how the
logins should work. We're hoping that after this change is in effect, new
wiki users won't have to request a separate wiki account and can use their
Launchpad ID. The trickier part is that we're hoping to migrate current
wiki users and match their Launchpad ID to their wiki account, but if
that's not possible we'll let you know.

Thanks to Chmouel for the bravery in taking this on. :)


*Anne Gentle*
 my blog <http://justwriteclick.com/> | my
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