You should to modify nova.virt.libvirt.connection._create_image.
This is source code about make a local disk.
959 local_gb = inst['local_gb']
960 if local_gb and not self._volume_in_mapping(
961 self.default_local_device, block_device_info):
962 fn = functools.partial(self._create_ephemeral,
963 fs_label='ephemeral0',
964 os_type=inst.os_type)
965 self._cache_image(fn=fn,
966 target=basepath('disk.local'),
967 fname="ephemeral_%s_%s_%s" %
968 ("0", local_gb, inst.os_type),
969 cow=*FLAGS.use_cow_images*,
970 local_size=local_gb)
You can change 'cow' value to FALSE. (FLAGS.use_cow_images is TRUE by
default). then _cache_image function make a disk to raw format.
2011/11/8 ljvsss <ljvsss@xxxxxxxxx>
hi all
if i create an instance flavor of m1.large(4u,8GRAM.80G disk),at floder
here /var/lib/nova/instances/instance-0000006 will have two img:disk and
they format is same,qcow2 or raw
what i want is the "disk" (instance os disk) format is qcow2,and the
disk.local's format is raw,because qcow2 is small and easy to make
snapshots,raw's speed is bettter
what should i do?
thanks :)
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