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Re: Providing packages for stable releases of OpenStack


> TL;DR summary:
> The resources needed to do that properly are bigger than you think (and
> doing that will alienate some distro packaging resources), so we'll
> either do a terrible job at it, or lose focus on the development
> release. If there is a need, it should be done as an alternate
> distribution, not inside the OpenStack project.

As Julien Danjou wrote, we ( OpenStack Debian GNU/Linux packagers [1]) discussed your mail.  We are comfortable with the idea that OpenStack focuses on  development and that packaging is left to the packagers involved in  each distribution. 

Packaging related patches from Julien Danjou were recently accepted  upstream (https://review.openstack.org/#dashboard,1669). This is the  kind of cooperation that makes it possible to maintain packages matching  the Debian GNU/Linux quality standard. We are confident in our ability  to provide stable packages in the future.

OpenStack packaging is not an easy task. It currently fits nicely in Debian GNU/Linux. However,  as it evolves towards a system widely used in production, it will face  new challenges and the communities working on packaging for each  distribution will provide valuable input to developers. Creating a  "packaging team" with representatives for each distribution and electing  someone to represent them in the Policy Board could achieve this. 


[1] PKG OpenStack page : https://alioth.debian.org/projects/openstack/and corresponding packages: http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=openstack-devel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?packages=nova http://qa.debian.org/developer.php?packages=glance

fn:Loic Dachary
org:Artisan Logiciel Libre
adr:;;12 bd Magenta;Paris;;75010;France
title:Senior Developer
tel;work:+33 4 84 25 08 05
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note:Born 131414404 before EPOCH.

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