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Wishlist bugs



Wishlist ("I want a pony") bugs that have sat in launchpad for an
extended period with no progress contribute to the general noise in
launchpad - for developers trying to fix stuff that matter to people,
they're not a very good source of information.

So, how about we do this:


    Priority 8: Review wishlist bugs

    We should review all Wishlist bugs to make sure they are still
    relevant and properly prioritized. 

    If a low priority Wishlist bug has seen no visible progress in 
    several months, set its status to Opinion with a friendly comment 

      Thanks for the suggestion, but it looks like no-one is actively 
      working on this Wishlist item and it is marked as Low priority. I 
      am moving the bug to Opinion status so that it doesn't clutter up 
      the default queries.

      If any one decides to work on the bug, please feel free to move 
      it to In Progress.



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