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Re: profiling nova-api


On 04/11/2012 04:48 PM, Yun Mao wrote:
* Database access: Each "nova list" API call will issue 4 db APIs: 3
instance_get_all_by_filters(), 1
instance_fault_get_by_instance_uuids(), so 1200 db API calls total
(note: not necessarily 1200 SQL statements, could be more). The 900
instance_get_all_by_filters() calls took 30.2 seconds (i.e. 0.03s
each)! The 300 instance_fault_get_by_instance_uuids() calls only took
1.129 seconds (0.004 each).
You might think: MySQL sucks. Not so fast. Remember this is a tiny
database with only 10 VMs. Profile also shows that the actual
_mysql.connection.query() method only took 1.883 seconds in total. So,
we pretty much spend 29 seconds out of 60 seconds doing either
sqlalchemy stuff or our own wrapper. You can also see from the sheer
volume of sqlalchemy library calls involved.
Reducing the sqlalchemy 50% is probably going to involve being smarter 
about assembling the queries in a more complex way, that prevents us 
from going to the db quite so often.
On the MySQL query 50% of the time, it would be good if you can figure 
out if we are table scanning in the instance_get_all_by_filters. My 
inspection so far definitely shows a lot of things we do WHERE clauses 
on that don't have indexes, which is generally bad form.
This bug also has a previous, slightly different, look at digging out 
some of these issues - https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/964824.

Sean Dague
IBM Linux Technology Center
email: sldague@xxxxxxxxxx
alt-email: sdague@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
