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Message #10611
questions about IP addressing and network config
Hi everyone,
I'm running with Essex 2012.1,
and have some questions about the nova network operation,
1. Is it possible manually assigned IP address to a launched instance, my
situation is :
after instance boot up (OS: CentOS 6.2), I changed the
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 setting
from dhcp to static (the same subnet as created by command : nova-manage
create network....), and restart the network service,
And then I couldn't ssh or ping the instance from other server with the
same subnet.
What is the problem ? I checked the iptables policies on the compute host,
and find nothing about the DROP packets.
I also tried to change the DB record from nova.fixed_ips table and
libvirt.xml of the instance directory, then reboot the instance, I can see
the instance get new IP from DHCP, but still not worked(can't ping & ssh).
I used FlatDHCP as my network manager.
2. According to the first question, I have another requirement to set up a
loopback IP address (lo:0) on the running instance, after setting
completed,I couldn't ping or ssh the loopback IP from the same subnet, and
I tried to set a alias IP address with eth0:0, but still not get worked.
Any ideas with this ?
3. Is there any way to use 2 NICs with different subnets on instances? I
want to separate the network traffic.
Now I'm running with one bridged interface (br100), and it works well. In
order to backup the large log files,
I'm planing to use 2 NICs for the compute hosts, I want use 2 vNICs on
instance, one for web service and the other for log backup,
I think I should create a new network for the second bridged interface, but
I can't find any document to guild me.
List my nova.conf below
# network specific settings
--root_helper=sudo nova-rootwrap
if I misunderstand something, please correct me, thanks.
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