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Keystone client, user belongs to many tenants?


A question,

I am using anvil to setup the keystone roles/users/tenants.

It seems like the python keystone  client has the following command:


Which seems to take in the following:

create(self, name, password, email, tenant_id=None, enabled=True):

I would assume a user name can be used in multiple tenants but when I am trying to create a user that spans tenants and it seems like it borks.

ClientException: Conflict occurred attempting to store user. (IntegrityError) (1062, "Duplicate entry 'admin' for key 'name'") 'INSERT INTO user (id, name, extra) VALUES (%s, %s, %s)' ('3e14a9c1fd404c7e81c0dba8bd640575', 'admin', '{"password": "$6$rounds=40000$yX5fL51OyGKjuPjr$8yv.S3GpqsKeaHv4GjNY4YW2vvykWzrEV7RX.qJpyy3CjmyXrZMRRJifEzfa7xv1l.NzoggQBXUAESn3Oqm0x/", "enabled": true, "email": "admin@xxxxxxxxxxx", "tenantId": "d1506184877a449a91fc6adcb553ad97"}') (HTTP 409)

Is this supposed to happen? Is the client supposed to send back this much info also (hashed password??) :-P

Any ideas?

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