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Fwd: [Infra] administration of new mailinglists


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Thierry Carrez <thierry@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, May 26, 2012 at 2:38 PM
Subject: Re: administration of new mailinglists
To: Monty Taylor <mordred@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Stefano Maffulli <stefano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Duncan McGreggor
<duncan@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Michael Tietz <tietz@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, Christian
Berendt <berendt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, "James E. Blair"

Monty Taylor wrote:
> On 05/25/2012 03:27 AM, Thierry Carrez wrote:
>> Stefano Maffulli wrote:
>>> On 05/23/2012 05:58 PM, Stefano Maffulli wrote:
>>>> http://etherpad.openstack.org/newmlist-layout
>>> re-reading this list, I think it's not clear to me what purpose the
>>> 'old' list on launchpad will serve.
>>> How shall we re-purpose it? If we keep it, do we need to keep also
>>> operators (in what would they differ?)
>> The current list (the "General" list) is the default discussion list
>> about everything openstack. We have decided to move the development
>> discussions (focused on the next release of OpenStack) out of this list
>> and on its own list. That doesn't suddenly make it empty. It's still the
>> list for discussing everything openstack, with a focus on the latest
>> stable release.
>> I think we should keep it, because it is certainly the biggest openstack
>> list out there, with 2072 subscribers.
> tl;dr - I could not possible disagree more strongly. There should be one
> place for mailing lists. If we are running our own mailman properly
> already, this list should move there. I think the 2072 subscribers will
> be able to figure out it.

That's a valid point (my point was about the topic of the list, not so
much about its location). I'm not really attached to the LP setup, it's
more a question of disruption for our existing users, but the benefit
might be worth it.

That said, I still think there is value in a "default" discussion list,
separate from the development list. I guess we could have:

openstack@l.o.o - default discussion about openstack - present-looking
openstack-dev@l.o.o - development discussions - forward-looking
openstack-operators@l.o.o - "operators" (??)

Alternatively we can have a more classic:

openstack-announce@l.o.o - Important announcements
openstack-users@l.o.o - discussion about using openstack, present-lookin
openstack-dev@l.o.o - development discussions - forward-looking

We would rename "operators" to "users" and encourage current subscribers
to join it.

Two questions: how do you merge the old archives with the operators
archive ? And for "announce": who gets the right to post to it ? Or
rather, who gets to moderate the posts to it ? PPB ? PTL/relmgr ? Any
volunteer ?

Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Release Manager, OpenStack