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Migrate use nova


I am trying to do openstack migrate and get stuck
My coworker told me that I can use nova-manage to migrate, but I can't find
any migrate options within nova-manage, it must be removed in Essex
there is migrate option with nova command, but it has very little options
and help info, I am confuse with that

usage: nova migrate [--poll] <server>
Migrate a server.
Positional arguments:
  <server>  Name or ID of server.
Optional arguments:
  --poll    Blocks while instance migrates so progress can be reported.

there is not option to specify which host I want migrate an instance to

I run 'nova migrate --poll name-of-instance', this error shows:
ERROR: Policy doesn't allow compute_extension:admin_actions:migrate to be
performed. (HTTP 403) (Request-ID: req-17fafbff-5264-4ba5-a5bd-141520601f78

I have not setup share storage so live migrate not work (and I am not
looking for live migrate)

can some one share any experience about migrate?



William Herry

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