On May 25, 2012, at 2:36 AM, John Garbutt wrote:
I have been meaning to draft a blueprint around this.
What we have today:
·Migrate: move a VM from one server to another, reboots across the
move (I think) and destination is picked by scheduler
·LiveMigration: move a VM form one server to another, VM doesn't
appear to reboot, need to specify the destination
I propose we extent the Migrate API (thinking about nova CLI here
really) to include:
·Optional Flag to force non-live migration, default to live migration
·Optional destination host, by default let the scheduler choose
·Deprecate the existing live migration API and CLI calls
What do people think?
Keep in mind that we actually have three options:
live migration on shared storage
live migration without shared storage (block migration)
Yun actually suggested that resize/migrate be simplified to do the
following instead of scping the file over:
* snapshot to glance
* boot new image from snapshot
This would definitely simplify the code, unfortunately it could have
billing/metering repercussions.