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Re: detect hypervisor


On 06/01/2012 09:22 AM, Massimo Canonico wrote:
> Hi all,
> since I'm having problem with my machine where I have installed
> openstack following this procedure:
> http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Getting_started_with_OpenStack_Nova

Are you using Fedora 17?  If so, try these instructions:


The page you're looking at assumes you're using the Diablo packages from
Fedora 16.

> I'm wondering if this is the correct procedure for a machine with xen as
> supervisor. The procedure seems to me hypervisor agnostic but I'm not sure.
> Is there a command to know which hypervisor is being used by openstack?

If you followed those instructions, it instructs you to use libvirt+KVM.

Russell Bryant
