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Filter Scheduler, a complete example


Hi all,

while I am still "somewhat" new to OpenStack, I was able to successfully
deploy a 6-node OpenStack setup
with 4 compute nodes, one controller node (yet to be HA'd) and one network
node (yet to be HA'd).

However, now, that I am that far, I am in need to create a custom filter,
due to the companies requirements
on what VMs to put on what hardware.
Unfortunately, I am not yet that experienced in Python (know quite a few
others, so I shouldn't have
it that hard in getting into) and I - of course - don't know the Nova API
as well as you do.

So I am looking for a complete basic Hello World Filter Scheduler example,
e.g. in form of a github repo,
that I can fork off, and improve it, and learn Nova by doing.

I could not really find anything that helpful yet, and I think it might be
a wonderful entry-point for
quite a few of us.

Is there anyone willing to help us here out a bit?

Many many thanks,
Christian Parpart.

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