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Message #13196
Re: change LANGUAGE_CODE config in horizon
hi zhang hua,
>This configuration of LANGUAGE_CODE in is a global setting
which won't take much effect. that means it mostly likedly will be
overrided by user >preferences such as Brower, Session. the latter is
probably done on the GUI of dashboard settings. If the horizon can't get
any clue of user language preference, it >will use the global setting.
you are right.
Also, I found some information here. in <django book> (
*If you want to let each individual user specify which language he or she
prefers, use LocaleMiddleware.LocaleMiddleware enables language selection
based on data from the request. It customizes content for each user.*
*LocaleMiddleware tries to determine the user’s language preference by
following this algorithm:*
- *First, it looks for a django_language key in the current user’s
- *Failing that, it looks for a cookie.*
- *Failing that, it looks at the Accept-Language HTTP header. This
header is sent by your browser and tells the server which language(s) you
prefer, in order by priority. Django tries each language in the header
until it finds one with available translations.*
- *Failing that, it uses the global LANGUAGE_CODE setting*
from the above, we can see, the LANGUAGE_CODE configuration has the lowest
so in order to set the language preference for horizon regardless of what
type of web client the user is using, the *LocaleMiddleware* configuration
in should be commented.
中国科学院 计算机网络信息中心
wei yuanke(wei)
CNIC, Chinese Academy of Sciences
gtalk: weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx
msn: weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxxxx
On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 1:27 PM, Hua ZZ Zhang <zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Yuan ke,
> Great! there're something to clarify here, I guess. If it is wrong,
> correct me. :-)
> > yes, it has something to do with the language preference of the web
> browser. after I changed to IE, the configuration for LANGUAGE_CODE in
> "" takes effects.
> This configuration of LANGUAGE_CODE in is a global setting
> which won't take much effect. that means it mostly likedly will be
> overrided by user preferences such as Brower, Session. the latter is
> probably done on the GUI of dashboard settings. If the horizon can't get
> any clue of user language preference, it will use the global setting.
> *Best Regards, *
> ------------------------------
> *Edward Zhang(张华)*
> Staff Software Engineer
> Travel&Transportation Standards
> Emerging Technology Institute(ETI)
> IBM China Software Development Lab
> e-mail: zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx
> Notes ID: Hua ZZ Zhang/China/IBM
> Tel: 86-10-82450483
> 地址:北京市海淀区东北旺西路8号 中关村软件园28号楼 环宇大厦3层 邮编:100193
> Address: 3F Ring, Building 28 Zhongguancun Software Park, 8
> Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C.100193
> [image: Inactive hide details for yuanke wei ---2012-06-14
> 13:02:43---thanks very much, that solved my problem. >I tested it on my
> mach]yuanke wei ---2012-06-14 13:02:43---thanks very much, that solved my
> problem. >I tested it on my machine and works for me. you need to check
> your language preferen
> *yuanke wei <weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx>*
> 2012-06-14 13:02
> To
> Hua ZZ Zhang/China/IBM@IBMCN
> cc
> openstack mail list <openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>,
> Subject
> Re: [Openstack] change LANGUAGE_CODE config in horizon
> thanks very much, that solved my problem.
> >I tested it on my machine and works for me. you need to check your
> language preference in your web browser(I tested it on Firefox). It seems
> that Django will also make use of the Request Header of >languge to decide
> the client default language settings. It might be a kind of design which
> doesn't require storing these preference information in cookie or server
> side.
> yes, it has something to do with the language preference of the web
> browser. after I changed to IE, the configuration for LANGUAGE_CODE in
> "" takes effects.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> 韦远科
> 中国科学院 计算机网络信息中心
> wei yuanke(wei)
> CNIC, Chinese Academy of Sciences
> gtalk: *weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx* <weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx>
> msn: *weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxxxx* <weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 12:37 PM, Hua ZZ Zhang <*zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx*<zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx>>
> wrote:
> I tested it on my machine and works for me. you need to check your
> language preference in your web browser(I tested it on Firefox). It seems
> that Django will also make use of the Request Header of languge to decide
> the client default language settings. It might be a kind of design which
> doesn't require storing these preference information in cookie or server
> side.
> *
> Best Regards, *
> ------------------------------
> *Edward Zhang(张华)*
> Staff Software Engineer
> Travel&Transportation Standards
> Emerging Technology Institute(ETI)
> IBM China Software Development Lab
> e-mail: *zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx* <zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Notes ID: Hua ZZ Zhang/China/IBM
> Tel: 86-10-82450483
> 地址:北京市海淀区东北旺西路8号 中关村软件园28号楼 环宇大厦3层 邮编:100193
> Address: 3F Ring, Building 28 Zhongguancun Software Park, 8
> Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C.100193
> [image: Inactive hide details for yuanke wei ---2012-06-14
> 11:12:20---thanks for reply.]yuanke wei ---2012-06-14
> 11:12:20---thanks for reply.
> *yuanke wei <**weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx* <weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx>*>*
> 2012-06-14 11:12
> To
> Hua ZZ Zhang/China/IBM@IBMCN
> cc
> openstack mail list <*openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*<openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>,
> openstack-bounces+zhuadl=**<>
> Subject
> Re: [Openstack] change LANGUAGE_CODE config in horizon
> thanks for reply.
> >Yuan Ke, you can set the language in "settings" on the top right of
> the dashboard. It seems that the horizon won't be able to save your
> language preference into config file. So you have to set it again >when you
> login.
> I also noticed that.
> so what I want to do is to change the default LANGUAGE_CODE in
> horizon, but just modify "" seems not working
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> 韦远科
> wei yuanke(wei)
> gtalk: *weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx* <weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx>
> msn: *weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxxxx* <weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> On Thu, Jun 14, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Hua ZZ Zhang <*zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx*<zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx>>
> wrote:
> Yuan Ke, you can set the language in "settings" on the top right of
> the dashboard. It seems that the horizon won't be able to save your
> language preference into config file. So you have to set it again when you
> login.*
> Best Regards, *
> ------------------------------
> *Edward Zhang(张华)*
> Staff Software Engineer
> Travel&Transportation Standards
> Emerging Technology Institute(ETI)
> IBM China Software Development Lab
> e-mail: *zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx* <zhuadl@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Notes ID: Hua ZZ Zhang/China/IBM
> Tel: 86-10-82450483
> 地址:北京市海淀区东北旺西路8号 中关村软件园28号楼 环宇大厦3层 邮编:100193
> Address: 3F Ring, Building 28 Zhongguancun Software Park, 8
> Dongbeiwang West Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C.100193
> [image: Inactive hide details for yuanke wei ---2012-06-14
> 10:33:08---hi, can anyone show me how to change the LANGUAGE_CODE
> configurat]yuanke wei ---2012-06-14 10:33:08---hi, can anyone show
> me how to change the LANGUAGE_CODE configuration in horizon???
> *yuanke wei <**weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx* <weiyuanke123@xxxxxxxxx>*>
> *
> Sent by: openstack-bounces+zhuadl=*
> * <>
> 2012-06-14 10:28
> To
> openstack mail list <*openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx*<openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> >
> cc
> Subject
> [Openstack] change LANGUAGE_CODE config in horizon
> hi,
> can anyone show me how to change the LANGUAGE_CODE configuration in
> horizon???
> I changed LANGUAGE_CODE configuration to "ja" in
> horizon/openstack_dashboard/, and also restarted apache web
> server,
> but in the template file, such as
> "horizon/templates/horizon/auth/_login.html", the value for "LANGUAGE_CODE"
> is still "en".
> so in order to configure "LANGUAGE_CODE" to "ja", what steps should
> I take??
> many thanks.
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> (See attached file: pic06945.gif)*
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