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Dashboard (Ubuntu 12.04/Essex)



I've upgraded our cloud, but am stymied on one last configuration issue.

>From the dashboard, I'm unable to display images and/or snapshots.  However, I can display loaded images using the nova and glance command line tools with no problems.

For example, 'glance index' displays the following:

ID                                   Name                           Disk Format          Container Format     Size
------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------
f4c861aa-ded5-4cb8-9338-c0551a11a5d5 tty-linux                      ami                  ami                        25165824
bfc26a24-8cd5-4259-a57a-7071d909de8c tty-linux-ramdisk              ari                  ari                         5882349
df43feb9-aa30-4a2a-a03e-0357df5d4249 tty-linux-kernel               aki                  aki                         4404752

and the corresponding command through the nova-api service, 'nova image-list' displays:

|                  ID                  |        Name       | Status | Server |
| bfc26a24-8cd5-4259-a57a-7071d909de8c | tty-linux-ramdisk | ACTIVE |        |
| df43feb9-aa30-4a2a-a03e-0357df5d4249 | tty-linux-kernel  | ACTIVE |        |
| f4c861aa-ded5-4cb8-9338-c0551a11a5d5 | tty-linux         | ACTIVE |        |

However, when accessing the "Images & Snapshots" panel in Horizon, I receive 2 error messages that it's unable to retrieve images and snapshots.

Looking at the nova-api.log file, I see the following:

2012-06-18 11:13:30 INFO nova.api.openstack.wsgi [req-65ef5523-b1ff-47a1-8bd6-4a896df47958 1 1] GET
2012-06-18 11:13:30 DEBUG nova.api.openstack.wsgi [req-65ef5523-b1ff-47a1-8bd6-4a896df47958 1 1] Unrecognized Content-Type provided in request from (pid=9586) get_body /u
2012-06-18 11:13:30 INFO nova.api.openstack.wsgi [req-65ef5523-b1ff-47a1-8bd6-4a896df47958 1 1] returned with HTTP 200

which indicates that the request complete OK.  From the Apache access logs I see - - [18/Jun/2012:11:13:24 -0500] "GET /nova/images_and_snapshots/ HTTP/1.1" 200 49213 "http://cloud.dtl.mot-solutions.com/nova/images_and_snaps
hots/" "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_4) AppleWebKit/534.57.2 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1.7 Safari/534.57.2"

which also seems to indicate that all is well with 49K data returned, however nothing displays in the dashboard.

Any suggestions?  Thanks to all in advance!


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