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Message #13473
[OpenStack] Windows Image problem
I have followed this steps to create a Windows Image
My first problem is that when I try to attach a driver in the installation process, it does not appear a folder for Windows 2008R2 which is the Operating System I want to install. The folders in the virtio ISO are: Vista, Win7, Wlh, Wnet,WXP and XP.
I use driver for Win7 and I could install de Operating System, but there is a problem with drivers and Windows does not recognize it has a NIC attached to him, so, I can't communicate to my Windows instance.
Maybe I did something wrong.. :(
Thanks a lot in advance.
Sergio Ariel de la Campa Saiz
Ingeniero de Infraestructuras /
Infrastucture Engineer /
Isaac Newton, 11
P.T.M. Tres Cantos
E-28760 Madrid
Tel. +34 91 807 21 00
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