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Re: Nova doesn't release ips when terminating instances


> can you try with the flag:
> force_dhcp_release=false

I've been looking unsuccessfully for documentation on this option...so
I'm not sure exactly what it does.  However, if I understand
https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/953712 correctly, it requires the
dhcp_release command, which is sometimes part of the dnsmasq package.
I'm running on CentOS 6.2 and dhcp_release does not appear to exist.

On the other hand, simple database manipulation seems to resolve the
problem, so would everything work just fine if I added a no-op
dhcp_release command?

I'll give this a shot later tonight.

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       |
Senior Technologist                                | http://ac.seas.harvard.edu/
Academic Computing                                 | http://code.seas.harvard.edu/
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences |

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