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Re: [metering] Meeting agenda for Thursday at 16:00 UTC (July 5th, 2012)


On 07/04/2012 08:16 PM, Nick Barcet wrote:
> Hi,
> The metering project team holds a meeting in #openstack-meeting,
> Thursdays at 1600 UTC
> <http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/fixedtime.html?hour=16&min=0&sec=0>.
> Everyone is welcome.
> Agenda:
> http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda
>   * Review last week's actions (there does not seem to be any)
>   * Discuss and vote the incubation application proposal to be submitted
>     to PPB
>     http://wiki.openstack.org/Projects/IncubatorApplicationCeilometer
>   * PTL election process discussion
>     When we had our first project meeting on April 26th, it was agreed
>     that Loic Dachary and I would co-lead this project for the first 3
>     momths.  Time is soon up for those 3 months, so we should discuss
>     what to do to.  Some reference:
>     -
> http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/Model#Governance%20for%20the%20Individual%20OpenStack%20Projects
>     - http://www.cs.cornell.edu/andru/civs.html
>     - http://www.opavote.org/
>   * Discuss project's next priorities
>   * Open discussion
> If you are not able to attend or have additional topic you would like to
> cover, please update the agenda on the wiki.
> Cheers,

The meeting just occurred and here is the summary:
#openstack-meeting: Ceilometer

Meeting started by nijaba at 16:00:13 UTC.  The full logs are available

Meeting summary

* LINK: http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/MeteringAgenda  (nijaba,
* jd__ will unfortunately not be able to join us this week  (nijaba,
* actions from previous meetings  (nijaba, 16:01:27)

* Discuss and vote the incubation application proposal to be submitted
  to PPB  (nijaba, 16:02:19)
  * LINK:
    (nijaba, 16:02:19)
  * VOTE: Voted on "Submit the incubation application to the PPB?"
    Results are, Yes: 4  (nijaba, 16:05:14)
  * ACTION: nijaba to send an email to the PPB  (nijaba, 16:05:48)

* PTL election process discussion  (nijaba, 16:06:07)
  * LINK:

    (nijaba, 16:06:35)
  * LINK: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/andru/civs.html  (nijaba, 16:06:35)
  * LINK: http://www.opavote.org/  (nijaba, 16:06:35)
  * LINK:
    (nijaba, 16:06:35)
  * VOTE: Voted on "go ahead with the proposed PTL election process?"
    Results are, Yes: 4  (nijaba, 16:12:04)
  * ACTION: nijaba to send call for candidate to the general mailing
    list  (nijaba, 16:13:43)
  * ACTION: jd___ to setup opa voting system to start on 26th and end on
    Aug 3rd  (nijaba, 16:14:15)

* Discuss project's next priorities  (nijaba, 16:14:36)
  * ACTION: nijaba to prime a roadmap page and invite others to populate
    it  (nijaba, 16:19:46)
  * ACTION: jd___ handle counter/meter type for real  (jd___, 16:22:13)

* Open Discusssion  (nijaba, 16:24:05)
  * LINK: http://openstack.markmail.org/thread/fwkagzdzpleeclj5
    (nijaba, 16:24:16)
  * ACTION: nijaba to document external API use with a clear warning
    about the limitation of the sum and duration function  (nijaba,

Meeting ended at 16:27:40 UTC.

Action items, by person

* jd___
  * jd___ to setup opa voting system to start on 26th and end on Aug 3rd
  * jd___ handle counter/meter type for real
* nijaba
  * nijaba to send an email to the PPB
  * nijaba to send call for candidate to the general mailing list
  * nijaba to prime a roadmap page and invite others to populate it
  * nijaba to document external API use with a clear warning about the
    limitation of the sum and duration function

People present (lines said)

* nijaba (90)
* dhellmann (33)
* jd___ (20)
* flacoste (16)
* openstack (15)

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