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Re: Anyone using instance metadata?


On 07/04/2012 06:20 PM, Steve Baker wrote:

> To fix this semantic clash I would advocate adopting Amazon's Tags
> terminology but I won't be pushing this too hard since I'm new here ;)


I've been saying this for years now. Metadata is absolutely used
incorrectly in the Compute and Images APIs. Metadata is data *about*
data. For example, the length of a string is metadata. The contents of
the string is the data. The length is data about that data.


Tags are a more appropriate term for strings attached to a resource. I
still don't particularly understand the incessant need for key/value
pairs, frankly. There's nothing that searching an "architecture" key for
the value "x86_64" gets you over searching a tags collection for
"x86_64" other than perhaps easier aggregation and grouping on a key.
But for this kind of stuff, I just don't see the point of the
more-complicated key/value pairs over a collection of string tags.

