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Re: One question on the compute_filter


Jiang, Yunhong wrote:
> Hi, Joseph
>          I’m working on the patch for blueprints
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/update-flavor-key-value,
> to add/delete the extra_specs for flavor through nova-manage. I’m
> still setting up my environment to push the patch.
>          However, when I was testing my patch, I noticed that
> compute_filter assume it will handle all of the “extra_specs”. If it
> can’t find corresponding key in the capabilities, it will fail to pass
> the host. IMHO, this is a bit overkill. For example, currently the
> trusted_filter.py will use the extra_specs to check if trusted_host is
> required, that means compute filter and trusted filter can’t be used
> at the same time.
>          I think compute filter should define explicitly all keys that
> it takes care, like cpu_info, cpu_arch, xpu_arch, and only check the
> corresponding extra_specs key/value pair? After all, extra_specs is
> not compute_extra_specs?
>          I noticed the patch in
> https://review.openstack.org/#/c/8089/, but seems this patch will not
> fix this issue still.
> Any idea or suggestion? I’m glad to create patch if any conclusion on
> this issue.

I have been working on a patch [1] that allows the ComputeFilter to
filter on (architecture, hypervisor_type, vm_mode) triplet as specified
in the *instance properties*.  In the blueprint you mention, I see
cpu_type=itanium as an example of a key/value in the extra_specs of
instance types.  Are architecture, preferred hypervisor, and vm_mode (PV
vs HVM) properties of the image (which are used to populate the
instance_properties) or properties of a flavor (used to populate
instance_type)?  IMO, they are properties of an image.

What are the other commonly used extra_specs that are being checked by
the ComputeFilter?  Are they properties of an image or a flavor? 
Perhaps the checks for extra_specs can be removed from the ComputeFilter
entirely and done by other filters as you mention.


[1] https://lists.launchpad.net/openstack/msg14121.html

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