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Re: [OpenStack Foundation] Individual Nominations for Foundation Board of Directors


On Thu, Jul 26, 2012 at 1:15 PM, Stefano Maffulli <stefano@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> On 07/26/2012 08:37 AM, Rick Clark wrote:
>> Who is the election official, running this election.  Nomination
>> should be an open process, similar to the core dev process.
> Speaking of that process, it's broken and needs to be fixed ASAP, since
> we'll have the PTL elections soon. The current nomination process,
> especially, is broken: it requires way too much manual processing and
> more than manipulation, it allows mistakes (like in the past election,
> where I forgot to include one candidate to the list).
> This is how we ran it last time:
> http://wiki.openstack.org/Governance/ElectionsSpring2012
> Want to help fix it?


> Let's define a better process and build the tools
> to automate it all.

David Mertz of the Python Software Foundation is currently working on
fixing lots of the same problems that we -- in the OpenStack community
-- are now facing or will be soon. Count me in :-) I'll start pulling
information and resources together for this, and when I've landed from
my travels, I'll send an update to this thread with links.


Follow ups
