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Re: Preventing OpenStack from allocating some floating ips?


> (The following is assuming you're using Essex - I don't really know
> anything about Quantum)

Yeah, we're using Essex with FlatDHCP networking for now.

> An interesting thing about how floating IPs work is that internally
> nova-network just has a big table of ip addresses in the database.

That's good to know.  We try as much as possible to avoid solutions
that involve poking at the database, but we can probably live with
this.  Especially since MySQL knows about IP addresses (so we can
select "all addresses below x.x.x.10" or something).

Lars Kellogg-Stedman <lars@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>       |
Senior Technologist                                | http://ac.seas.harvard.edu/
Academic Computing                                 | http://code.seas.harvard.edu/
Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences |
