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Re: Help with meta-data


On 08/09/2012 12:59 PM, Scott Moser wrote:
On Aug 8, 2012, at 8:20 PM, "Simon Walter" <simon@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 08/09/2012 06:45 AM, Jay Pipes
I guess I'll have to build a VM from scratch, as I was relying on the ssh key to be able to ssh into the VM, which apparently is supplied by the meta-data service.

use cirros.
load an image, ssh on with 'cirros' user. pass is 'cubswin:)'

Thank you. That was good advice.

Somehow I was not able to connect via ssh. I managed to get novnc working and logged into the VM. I can't find anything about connecting via serial or the like as you can with Xen. I need to read more about KVM I guess.

Anyway, I think my networking setup is stuffed. I thought the "10 minutes" install would be the quickest way to get and running. Now I find myself pouring over documentation trying to understand how best to setup FlatDHCPManager with two network interfaces. I understand many things have changed. So I don't want to go reading something out of date. I found these blog posts which explained a lot:
But am I reading the wrong thing? I like the way Stackgeek had it set up:

But I think they are missing details or it's out dated. For example, with their setup the vnc console in horizon does not work because nova-vncproxy is installed rather than novnc.

I'm pretty sure I can figure the networking out if I have the right documentation in the first place. Is there a clear instructions for this anywhere? Or would someone mind walking me through it again. So far I've followed the stackgeek setup above, but the networking is obviously stuffed.

Must I have the flat_interface in promiscuous mode?
Or does it actually need an IP address?
Why are my VMs picking up an IP address from the public_interface DHCP server and not from the flat_network_bridge?

Too many questions to ask. So I thought I should just ask: what is missing or incorrect from Stackgeeks 10 minute scripts?

Many thanks for any advice, tips, docs, etc.




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