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Cannot associate/dissociate an floating IP to an instance from API



I am trying to associate an floating IP to an instance from API in my Essex
environment, and get the error "404 Not Found". I found someone have filed
an invalid bug (the link is https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/917064), I
followed the information and tried several request formats as below, but
all are failed.

1. curl -k -D - -H "X-Auth-Token: 7f48c07af3b842d1b9c0f15a37ddd956" -X
'POST' -d @test.json -v
'Content-type: application/json'

The file test.json:
*    "associate_address" : {*
*       "fixed_ip" : ""*
*    }*
2. curl -k -D - -H "X-Auth-Token: 7f48c07af3b842d1b9c0f15a37ddd956" -X
'POST' -d @test.json -v
-H 'Content-type: application/json'

The file test.json:
*    "addFloatingIp": {*
*       "address" : ""*
*    },*
*    "associate_address" : {*
*       "fixed_ip" : ""*
*    }*

3. curl -k -D - -H "X-Auth-Token: 7f48c07af3b842d1b9c0f15a37ddd956" -X
'POST' -d @test.json -v
 -H 'Content-type: application/json'

The file test.json:
*    "associate_address" : {*
*       "fixed_ip" : ""*
*    }*

I am wondering what is the correct request format or just a bug?  It will
be much appreciated if someone can give me some hints.


Follow ups