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Swift PTL candidacy


I am running to continue my position as Swift PTL.

I have been involved with swift since the project started. I am an active contributor, reviewer, and community participant. I have lead meetups about swift, given conference presentations on swift, and am active in IRC helping those who have questions about swift. I'm tremendously excited about what swift can do and what the future holds for it.

In the next six months, my priorities for swift will be on growing the user community, solving the needs of production use cases, and working towards Swift 2.0.

Slightly more details:

1) Growing the user community
	- Swift needs to be easier to install so more people can try it out
	- Swift needs more intro and getting started documentation
	- Swift needs to encourage 3rd party developer support (client apps)

2) Solving the needs of production use cases
	- What's running in production matters so much more than purity of code design
	- Those running production swift clusters have the loudest voice in how swift works
	- Swift must always work, have seamless migration paths, and allow for upgrades to running clusters
	- (Swift does all these things now. We simply must keep doing them.)

3) Swift 2.0
	- This is not (necessarily) an API change
	- But what is it? Collection of features? What features?
	- It will probably include things like geographically distributed clusters and improved replication
	- We will be talking about this at the summit.

Company affiliation: I was an employee of Rackspace for about 3 years. In June of this year I left Rackspace and joined SwiftStack.


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