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Re: issues with fixed_range blocking new instance creation?


On Thu, Sep 6, 2012 at 9:59 PM, Vishvananda Ishaya
<vishvananda@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> fixed range is likely fine. I suspect you created your network with a though. It might be a bit tricky to switch to a larger range now. You may have to create the rest of your fixed ips manually in the db associated with the same network and then change the cidr entry on the network in the db to You also might have to manually destroy the bridges and let nova-network recreate them.

That does seem to be the case, if you'd asked me 24hr ago I'd have
sworn I never put /24 anywhere but that's the only explaination that
fits observed reality.  Luckily I haven't quite called the system
production yet so I'm taking a maintenance window now, terminating all
instances and deleting and recreating network

Being able to expand networks more easily would be a nice thing (and
in a dhcp controlled world it's not too disruptive as long as you
don't go pushing the gateway address around), but best I can tell this
is what I've got right now.

