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Re: nova-compute on Controller Node



Sorry for the re-post, but I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on the following question.

Thank you,

From: Ahmed Al-Mehdi <ahmed@xxxxxxxxxx<mailto:ahmed@xxxxxxxxxx>>
Date: Wednesday, October 3, 2012 4:23 PM
To: "openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: [Openstack] nova-compute on Controller Node


I am following the steps in "OpenStack Install and Deploy – Red Hat Ubuntu" document to setup setup the controller node ( http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/openstack-compute/install/apt/content/installing-the-cloud-controller.html  ).  Do I need to install nova-compute on the controller node?  Maybe there is no harm, but my understanding is nova-volume needs to be installed on all Compute Nodes.  Is that right?   If so, in that case can I skip installing nova-compute on the Controller Node without any side effects.

Thank you,
