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failed to upload images to glance -> swift


Hi all,

I installed openstack essex on Ubuntu 12.04 and used ubuntu default
packages. I install 'all in one' refer to the this document.


There is 'installing swift', but there is not 'using swift to glance
backend', is 'using just file' to glance backend like this.

    default_store = file

so I was just update these configuration like this.

    default_store = swift
    swift_store_auth_version = 2
    swift_store_auth_address =
    swift_store_user = service:glance
    swift_store_key = glance
    swift_store_container = glance
    swift_store_create_container_on_put = True
    swift_store_large_object_size = 5120
    swift_store_large_object_chunk_size = 200
    swift_enable_snet = False

and now I added a OS image to glance.

    % glance add name="Ubuntu Server 12.04LTS" is_public=true \
    container_format=ovf disk_format=qcow2 < /home/thirai/openstack_ubuntu_12.04.img

but I got a error message.

---- error message ----
    Uploading image 'Ubuntu Server 12.04LTS'
    36.1M/s, ETA  0h  0m  0s
    Failed to add image. Got error:
    Data supplied was not valid.
    Details: 400 Bad Request
    The server could not comply with the request since it is either
    malformed or otherwise incorrect.
     Error uploading image: (BackendException): Failed to add object to
     Swift. Got error from Swift: put_object('glance',
     '905eb709-a6c7-4811-a15f-76370f96e476', ...) failure and no ability
     to reset contents for reupload.
    Note: Your image metadata may still be in the registry, but the image's status will likely be 'killed'.

Does anybody have a idea ? I found a similar error at launchpad. but
there is no workarround. ;)


Best Regards from cloudy Tokyo.

-- Tomokazu Bob Hirai