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nova-volume -> cinder troubles


Hi All,

I'm trying to get from nova-volume to cinder and seem to be tripping
up near the end.

I have ServerA running as the cloud controller (horizon, keystone, glance,
rabbitmq, mysql, nova-api, etc...), ServerB was running nova-volume
and is now running cinder.  I got the DB created (on ServerA) and
pupulated with cinder-manage migrate bits in the release notes.

I disabled osapi_volume on ServerB, restarted nova-api and then
cinder-api as directed.

But api request still seem to be trying (and failing) to use the
nova-volume service, as seen by updates to the nova.volumes table when
trying to create or attach volumes through Horizon or booting from
volume with the python-novaclient.

What piece of plubing am I missing?  Seem like the controller should be
running cinder-api too (but not cinder volume)?


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