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Re: [Swift] account-level and container-level usage information


On Mon, 12 Nov 2012 20:48:35 -0800
Ning Zhang <ning@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> Is there any Swift (GUI or command line) tool that can
> retrieve the account-level and
> container-level usage information (e.g. how large space
> has been used under an account, how large space has been
> used under a tenant) and also works with keystone?

If you're content with 1st party view, Alex Yang's mail gives the
answer. But if you want a 3rd part view (authenticate as administrator
or bypassing the authentication), then I don't think there is a tool
for that. I tried to find one before I started on swift-report, but
found none.

Swiftly can be used to ease the problem of formulating the correct
URLs when accessing back-ends instead of the proxy, but it's not
a complete turnkey solution.

Actually I was thinking about pilfering Greg's code from Swiftly
and grafting it onto swift-report, but that hasn't happened.

So the only way you can do it today is to extract the URLs by
authenticating with Keystone as 1st party (with curl), then issue
curl -X HEAD to account, container, and object servers. Basically
you still authenticate in the end as Alex suggested.

-- Pete

Follow ups
