openstack team mailing list archive
openstack team
Mailing list archive
Message #18902
Vietnam OpenStack Community
To whom it may concern
As introduced, we would like to register to join this General Mailing List
and OpenStack community. At the moment, we are excitingly organizing our
first Vietnam OpenStack meetup on 29/11/2012. I have requested to register
this event onto "upcoming events" section and thanks to Stefano, it's now on
the website :-).
Looking forward to receiving upcoming events and other OpenStack community's
Kind regards,
Hang Tran
Tran Thi Hang
Project Management Team
DTT Technology Group
Add: Unit 305, Level 3, Ha Thanh Plaza, 102 Thai Thinh Street, Dong Da
District, Ha Noi
Tel: +(84) 902127811
Mail: <mailto:Hang.Tran@xxxxxx> Hang.Tran@xxxxxx
Web: <>

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