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Re: Quota classes, Store quota data relation


Store Quota Data (in Keystone) is only intended to be a very simple way to store quotas centrally. It is not related to quota classes and there are no plans to do so.

That blueprint came out of a use case to have quotas in Swift. However, Swift doesn't store any user/tenant/project data so it was moved to Keystone. The idea being that you could write Swift middleware to check the quotas in Keystone before performing some operation.


From: <Aguiar>, "Glaucimar (Brazil R&D-ECL)" <glaucimar.aguiar@xxxxxx<mailto:glaucimar.aguiar@xxxxxx>>
Date: Wednesday, November 28, 2012 2:36 PM
To: "openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>" <openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:openstack@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Subject: [Openstack] Quota classes, Store quota data relation


I am trying to understand the relation of quota classes’ implementation (which I understand as unfinished) with the https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/store-quota-data blueprint, if any.
Per my understanding the implementation of StoreQuotaData and the movement of services to use this central repository require the implementation of quota classes in nova to be also moved to this centralized location. Are there plans on this area?

Thanks for clarifications or help in better understand this relationship.

Glaucimar Aguiar

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