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Message #19683
Help needed for a project.
Hi all,
Few days ago, I introduced in this list my project to create a template
deploying an OpenStack cluster with AWS CloudFormation or Heat.
It's almost done on AWS, the template gives a cluster with 12 cores, 22,5
Go RAM and 100 Go Disk by default, for only 1$ per hour. It can scale up
changing only parameters (It use auto-scaling groups) with TB volumes and
much more CPU/Ram.
It's already possible to connect via Horizon, create volumes, load images,
but Quantum still need configuration (and it makes nova failing)
I need help to complete this project, espcially for network. If someone is
interested and skilled in AWS VPC and Quantum, help would be appreciate.
There is everything to do (design and template writing).
Here is the default configuration :
[image: Images intégrées 1]
(if image does not appear, here is the link :
Templates are available on Github :
Bugs are reported on Launchpad :
If you test, don't hesitate to give feedback.
Thanks !
Pierre Freund