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Fun with OpenStack Grizzly install...



So, now that keystone appears to be configured correctly and working, the next chapter in the saga is glance.

>From the research I've done, the problem seems similar to the one reported at <https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstackbook/+bug/1012701>.  Witness:

> $ glance index
> ID                                   Name                           Disk Format          Container Format     Size          
> ------------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------- -------------------- --------------
> Request returned failure status.
> HTTPNotFound (HTTP 404)

However, I've confirmed that the keystone user-list, service-list, tenant-list, and endpoint-list appear to be configured as would be expected.  Witness (with minor edits for security reasons, but making sure not to touch any ids):

> user@host$ keystone user-list
> +----------------------------------+---------+---------+------------------+
> |                id                |   name  | enabled |          email   |
> +----------------------------------+---------+---------+------------------+
> | 0c09c86321554c058729d4daddb1e355 |  admin  |   True  | user@xxxxxxxxxxx |
> | 712e45d9e7944e5fa1cbd7aae3e04cbf |  cinder |   True  | user@xxxxxxxxxxx |
> | 7c198919a566475da50619ad11847ee6 |  glance |   True  | user@xxxxxxxxxxx |
> | b9d056823c834ca798ba6c7c2d073532 |   nova  |   True  | user@xxxxxxxxxxx |
> | e09b7bc3fb8e47ff9b9ffda43d2292d6 | quantum |   True  | user@xxxxxxxxxxx |
> | 9b3b4a5e6a41492d86791ceb301cbbd3 |  swift  |   True  | user@xxxxxxxxxxx |
> +----------------------------------+---------+---------+------------------+
> user@host$ keystone service-list
> +----------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------------------------+
> |                id                |   name   |     type     |         description          |
> +----------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------------------------+
> | e70d3f18459341df91c8946818d2774e |  cinder  |    volume    |        Cinder Service        |
> | e57e65226e0d4119910446f709c81a0d |   ec2    |     ec2      |         EC2 Service          |
> | 87b5286177e24f668ed9c84669e180db |  glance  |    image     |   OpenStack Image Service    |
> | df6add034f8143ddae7ac8232376d11d | keystone |   identity   |  OpenStack Identity Service  |
> | 37ef9a23d24e4362ade2ad01a0592559 |   nova   |   compute    |  OpenStack Compute Service   |
> | 25c2b27481484e46892cd5053a96233d | quantum  |   network    | OpenStack Networking service |
> | 978affd06a3b4838962efaccae78b755 |  swift   | object-store |  OpenStack Storage Service   |
> | fda1c38ab66843feafc97aa7b68253a4 |  volume  |    volume    |   OpenStack Volume Service   |
> +----------------------------------+----------+--------------+------------------------------+
> user@host$ keystone tenant-list
> +----------------------------------+---------+---------+
> |                id                |   name  | enabled |
> +----------------------------------+---------+---------+
> | 4317c06847a343b9b0c547ad3b87b8ee |  admin  |   True  |
> | 9090795328d044268472abbc5a77b09e | service |   True  |
> +----------------------------------+---------+---------+
> user@host$ keystone endpoint-list
> +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+
> |                id                |   region  |            publicurl                          |           internalurl                         |             adminurl                          |            service_id            |
> +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+
> | 0c7b0bf374ad4e4685daf0cd1600d127 | RegionOne | http://host.example.com:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s | fda1c38ab66843feafc97aa7b68253a4 |
> | 0db3fceef82547c1bd67ce128d37ea22 | RegionOne | http://host.example.com:5000/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:5000/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:5000/v2/%(tenant_id)s | df6add034f8143ddae7ac8232376d11d |
> | 5268bc10fffe47c9b306252f47463360 | RegionOne | http://host.example.com:9292/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:9292/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:9292/v2/%(tenant_id)s | 87b5286177e24f668ed9c84669e180db |
> | 74cd0593965d4fcdb5d12c938f6a035f | RegionOne | http://host.example.com:8773/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:8773/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:8773/v2/%(tenant_id)s | e57e65226e0d4119910446f709c81a0d |
> | 79ae8318d8254e6f886f7b97acf05230 | RegionOne | http://host.example.com:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:8776/v2/%(tenant_id)s | e70d3f18459341df91c8946818d2774e |
> | 98cb7d7cad7947178fef6a0271806534 | RegionOne | http://host.example.com:8080/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:8080/v2/%(tenant_id)s | http://host.example.com:8080/v2/%(tenant_id)s | 978affd06a3b4838962efaccae78b755 |
> +----------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------------+----------------------------------+

Looking in the various log files under /var/log/*/*, I don't find any obvious mention of a 404 error being returned, so it's not clear to me where this is blowing up or why.

Does anyone have any ideas of where I should be looking to try to debug this problem?  Thanks!

Brad Knowles <bknowles@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Senior Consultant

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