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OpenStack Community Weekly Newsletter (Apr 12 – 25)


   Special post-Summit issue

 * OpenStack Design Summit Havana, from a Ceilometer point of view
   by Julien Danjou <http://julien.danjou.info/blog/>
 * Havana Design Summit: Swift API Discussions
   by SwiftStack Team <http://swiftstack.com/>
 * OpenStack Summit Portland Aftermath
   <http://www.siliconloons.com/?p=448> by Kyle Mestery
 * OpenStack Developer Summit: Heat Followup
   by Duncan McGreggor <http://technicae.cogitat.io/search/label/openstack>
 * Havana! <http://secstack.org/2013/04/havana/> by OpenStack Security
   Blog <http://secstack.org/>
 * Portland OpenStack Summit
   by John Bresnahan <https://tropicaldevel.wordpress.com/>
 * Dan’s Partial Summary of the Nova Track
   by Dan Smith <http://www.danplanet.com/blog>
 * The Rocket Ship to Havana – OpenStack Summit Spring 2013
   by Clint Byrum <http://fewbar.com/>
 * Women of OpenStack at the Portland Summit
   by Anne Gentle <http://www.openstack.org/blog>
 * Michael’s surprisingly unreliable predictions for the Havana Nova
   release <http://www.stillhq.com/openstack/havana/000002.html> by
   Michael Still <http://www.stillhq.com/>
 * Havana Design Summit: Extending ACLs and Metadata
   by SwiftStack Team <http://swiftstack.com/>
 * Design Summit in Portland
   Day 1
   Day 3
   Day 4
   by eNovance <http://www.enovance.com/>
 * Havana Design Summit: Swift Extensions Talk
   by SwiftStack Team <http://swiftstack.com/>
 * Havana Design Summit: Extending ACLs and Metadata
   by SwiftStack Team <http://swiftstack.com/>
 * OpenStack Design Summit
   <http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=7943>days 1-2
   <http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=7930>, days 3-4
   <http://princessleia.com/journal/?p=7943> by Elizabeth Krumbach
 * “Stack Shop” cover of Macklemore’s Thrift Shop
   by Rob <http://rob/>Hirschfeld
   and others
 * The Making of Cloud of USB Sticks
   by eglute

     OpenStack docs and tooling in 20 minutes

Howto get started with all the tooling and setup needed to build, review, and contribute to OpenStack Documentation. By Joe Heck <http://www.rhonabwy.com/wp>.

       How It’s Made: the OpenStack API Reference Page

The site at http://api.openstack.org <http://api.openstack.org/> is a collection of HTML pages, and one page has an especially interesting story about how it is built. Anne Gentle <http://justwriteclick.com/> reveals the secret.

     Storage != Transfer

John Bresnahan argues that concepts of data transfer and data storage should not be conflated into a single solution. He believes that OpenStack can benefit from a new component that offloads the burden of optimally transferring images from existing components like nova-compute and swift.

   Report from Previous Events

 * 3rd Swiss OpenStack User Group Meetup

   Tips and Tricks

 * By Sébastien Han <http://sebastien-han.fr/>: Ceph and Cinder
 * By Chmouel Boudjnah <http://blog.chmouel.com/> :: Howto revoke a
   token with keystone and PKI (v2.0 API)
 * By Running PostgreSQL and Mysql Unit tests in Keystone
 * By SwiftStack Team <http://swiftstack.com/>: Havana Design Summit:
   Benchmarking Swift
 * By Giulio Fidente <http://www.giuliofidente.com/>: Deploy OpenStack
   Heat on RHEL (and derivates)

   Upcoming Events

 * OpenStack meeting in Cologne
   <http://www.meetup.com/OpenStack-DACH/events/108876542/> May 04,
   2013 – Cologne, Germany Details
 * OpenStack DACH Day
   <http://www.prweb.com/releases/2013/3/prweb10526716.htm> May 24,
   2013 – Berlin Fairgrounds Details
 * OpenStack Israel <http://www.meetup.com/IGTCloud/events/99146542/>
   May 27, 2013 – Tel-Aviv, Israel Details
 * OpenStack CEE Day <http://www.openstack.org/> May 29, 2013 –
   Budapest Details <http://www.openstack.org/>
 * Building an OpenStack Cloud
   <http://www.meetup.com/meetup-group-NjZdcegA/events/108731562/> May
   30, 2013 – Chicago, IL Details
 * OpenStack meeting in Munich
   <http://www.meetup.com/openstack-de/events/109700562/> Jun 11, 2013
   – Munich, Germany Details
 * GigaOM Structure <http://event.gigaom.com/structure/> Jun 19 – 20,
   2013 – San Francisco, CA Details <http://event.gigaom.com/structure/>
 * OSCON 2013 <http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013> Jul 22 – 26, 2013 –
   Portland, OR Details <http://www.oscon.com/oscon2013>

   Other News

 * OpenStack Project Technical Lead Interview Series #1: Mark McClain,
   OpenStack Networking Project
 * Crowbar and our Pivot (or, how we slipped and shipped Grizzly)
 * Project Savanna Moves Ahead: Red Hat and Hortonworks are on board
 * OpenStack Project Meeting: Summary
   and full logs

   Welcome New Developers

 * Tilottama Gaat, Rackspace
 * Zang MingJie, None
 * Jason Dunsmore, Rackspace
 * James Slagle, None

   Got answers?

Ask OpenStack <https://ask.openstack.org/> is the go-to destination for OpenStack users. Interesting questions waiting for answers:

 * Why is the quantum linuxbridge plugin getting sudo errors?
 * How to do automated deployment of a new node?
 * Is it safe to use WMI python library to manage HyperV driver from a
   Linux host?
 * Why do I see “Unable to find authentication token in headers” using
   swift with staticweb?
 * What’s causing permission error with Vmware Vcenter/ESX 4.1.0 on
 * Why is the quantum linuxbridge plugin getting sudo errors?

/The weekly newsletter is a way for the community to learn about all the various activities occurring on a weekly basis. If you would like to add content to a weekly update or have an idea about this newsletter, please leave a comment./