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3.0 progress


Hi Milan, Cas,

We talked about releasing something before the end of the holiday a few
days ago, about the possibility of an alpha. I think, it should be
possible to release a beta instead in that time frame. That way, we
don't have to put energy in distributing something we know that doesn't

Today I finished testing the current branch, the bugs I found are now on

bug #1040051: test mode bugs (status: Triaged, importance: Medium) -

bug #1040038: media lesson allows empty questions and answers (status:
Triaged, importance: Medium) - https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1040038

bug #1037189: lesson dialog problems (status: Triaged, importance: High)
- https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1037189

Apart from that, the only thing left is automated packaging. That works
already for the source tarball/zip. For Windows it should be close to
done (however I can't really test it because it's oriented at Milan's
system). I also started on a rpm and a deb should be pretty easy since
porthose worked on that as far as I know.

What do you think about skipping the alpha (the one we discussed but
didn't decide upon yet)? Does this seem possible to do in two weeks so
we do have a beta to offer instead?

Marten de Vries