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Re: update_module_names questions on usage


On 22-10-13 18:55, Sandy Carter wrote:
If I were to add all the related modules from mgmtsystem that were
renamed wiki*->document*, I would be doubling the size of module_namespec
and this is just when migrating wiki_environment_manual.

Hi Sandy,

honestly, I could not care less how long this list is going to be. I still think it is a perfectly valid solution.

This doesn't seem clean, I would expect OpenUpgrade to run pre-migration
scripts (and renames) before adding available 7.0 modules as new.

No, the OpenERP migration manager does not do that and it seems a pretty bad idea to me if every newly added module to the module path runs a script on your database. The only thing remotely similar that I ever wished it would do is run a pre-install script but only if a module was actually going to be installed, so that would not solve your problem here.

(BTW I say 'OpenERP migration manager' because running migration scripts is core OpenERP functionality, nothing OpenUpgrade specific. It is *providing* the migration scripts which is one of the main goals of the project.)

I tried a little hack to at least remove old module names if they've been
added/renamed already. It fixes some problems by accepting that some modules
may have been renamed or added before update_module_names is called.
I don't know how sane this is.

Looks ok to me!


--- parts/openerp/openerp/openupgrade/openupgrade.py        (revision )
+++ parts/openerp/openerp/openupgrade/openupgrade.py        (revision )
@@ -343,9 +343,16 @@
      :param namespec: tuple of (old name, new name)
      for (old_name, new_name) in namespec:
+        query = ("SELECT * FROM ir_module_module "
+                 "WHERE name = %s")
+        if logged_query(cr, query, [new_name]):
+            query = ("DELETE FROM ir_module_module "
+                     "WHERE name = %s")
+            logged_query(cr, query, [old_name])
+        else:
-        query = ("UPDATE ir_module_module SET name = %s "
-                 "WHERE name = %s")
-        logged_query(cr, query, (new_name, old_name))
+            query = ("UPDATE ir_module_module SET name = %s "
+                     "WHERE name = %s")
+            logged_query(cr, query, (new_name, old_name))
          query = ("UPDATE ir_model_data SET module = %s "
                   "WHERE module = %s ")
          logged_query(cr, query, (new_name, old_name))

Therp - Maatwerk in open ontwikkeling

Stefan Rijnhart - Ontwerp en implementatie

mail: stefan@xxxxxxxx
tel: +31 (0) 614478606
web: http://therp.nl
