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Re: base_contact


On 10/25/2013 10:28 PM, Sandy Carter wrote:

In openupgrade-server under openerp/addons/base/migrations/
migrate_partner_address has a TODO saying "break hard when base_contact is installed".

While this can be implemented with an assert of ir_module_module, I would like to know
why it should break; I intend to migrate a DB with that module.

What are the difficulties related to this module?

Hi Sandy,

it's just that base_contact was initially not supported under the new partner model, and I have no experience with the branches that have been put up since. It would be very welcome if you could migrate from the old to the new version in a credible way, in which case you can ignore that comment which is just to indicate that database with base_contact installed were not supported at that time.

