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Oxide call notes - Special meeting of the 28 April


Special agenda for the meeting

*1. Media Hub Integration*

Mostly we discussed 3 things:
- a near term plan to manage fullscreen playback scenarios
- a mid term plan to manage deeper integration with MH for embedded videos
- a long term plan to manage advanced scenarios wb the oxide view gets
access to the video frame elements to mix with css transforms or webgl

Justin and Jim will continue working on the architecture for the last 2
items, and submit for review during one of the next calls.
Justin will also do a spike to prototype the FS playback scenario.

*2. Memory optimizations*

We mostly discussed 2 approaches to avoid webapps and browser being the
target of the OOM killer and resulting in a bad user experience.

2.1 Dealing more gracefully with the oom_killer
- ensure cgroups fix work on Arale (see w/ted)
- mark processes w/oom_scores to avoid killing the active tab (ogra + some1
- API to inform the embedder that the renderer was killed (osomon)
- applifecycle timestamps support (ricmm/ted/ogra/tvoss)

2.2 Lowering the memory pressure on the system
- monitor / profile memory usage w/webviews and analyse the data we collect
(alex, osomon, dbarth)
- webapps getting rid of webviews when suspended (alex)
- check if systemd can handle cgroups to swap out whole groups together

*3. Release*

Interim 1.7.4 release in preparation to address one crasher identified on