p2psp team mailing list archive
p2psp team
Mailing list archive
Message #00126
I hope it's not too late to send my application!
Hi, you know me from before as I have already worked with you, I’d like to
join the P2PSP team on the GSoC. My name is Jorge Martín Espinosa and I’m a
mobile programmer, specialized on Android.
I would have liked to send this before, but I haven't had internet for 2
days thanks to my great ISP and I'm sending this from a friend's house.
1. What project would you like to work on and why?
I’d like to work on this project: Implementation of the Data Broadcasting
Set of Rules (DBS) of P2PSP as an Android application.
2. Propose an idea of how are you going to develop the project. Please,
try to give as much information about this topic in your proposal, for
example, milestones, time scheduling, deliverables, etc.
This could be easily done by using the libVLC Android port, as it supports
and can handle it in an easy way, taking care of decoding and rendering the
incoming video on a native Android app.
To build the peer implementation, I’d study the existing peer python
implementation as well as the P2PSP docs about this matter and translate it
to Java code.
The milestones for this project would be:
· First week: build libVLC for Android and import it to a simple
project which can play some local video files.
· Third-fourth week – it depends on how much problems I find along the
way: implement basic support for P2PSP peer DBS, being able to join the
team, receive chunks and redistribute them to the other peers.
· Fifth-sixth week: add peer complaints on lost chunks.
· Seventh week and on: finish UI implementation, add tests, finish
3. Tell us about your experiences in free software development. Point
us to a code sample: something good and clean to demonstrate that you know
what you're doing, ideally from an existing project. Please, include your
contributions in GitHub, Launchpad, Google Code, etc.
I’ve built some free Android libraries, apps and OSX apps, which can be
found on my Github <https://github.com/Arasthel>:
· SwissKnife: view injection, async method processing and more Android
utils for Groovy-coded Android apps.
· IntelliJ-Community: added better Groovy method completion for IDEA
· AsyncJobLibrary: better API for async actions on Android – no more
· GoogleNavigationDrawerMenu: easy to use Navigation Drawer with some
· SayCheese: Swift-written app to take screenshots and upload them to
4. Why do you want to work with P2PSP Project in particular?
Because I’ve already work with you before and I feel comfortable with the
P2PSP environment.
5. Will you be working full-time on the project for the summer, or will
you have other commitments too (a second job, classes, etc)?
I won’t probably have anything else on summer, so I think I will be
completely available for this project.
6. What is your ideal approach to keeping us informed of your progress,
problems, and questions over the course of the project?
I will probably use the mailing list or the Slack group, but I could also
use some Issue Tracker if that fits our needs better.
7. How can we contact you to ask you further questions?
You can always contact me at my email (jorgemartinespinosa@xxxxxxxxx) or
phone (+34610294269).
8. What school are you attending? What year are you, and what's your
major/degree/focus? If you're part of a research group, which one?
I’m attending Universidad de Almería (UAL), doing an extra year at Computer
Science Degree to finish some subjects and my final degree project. I’m not
actually part of any research groups, but I am part of the Androides
Almerienses group, a group of Android-oriented programmers which use to
gather and orgenize talks about Android utilities and tricks.
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