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first attempt for exif support has landed -> consequences for gps action


I just committed exif write support, which comes with the "write tag"
action. This will allow the user to write arbitrary exif or iptc tags
to its photos in a batch such as author, copyright, whitebalans, ...
>From now on each photo instance has a metadata attribute in which exif
and iptc info can be stored. This has the advantage that multiple
actions can manipulate metadata, but it will only be written once
which gives better performance and avoids unnecessary writes.

So Robin and Nadia ... about the gps action,
So now the gps module needs to return the gps_data as a dictionary.
I've updated the gps.py template:

Notice the difference between:
- photo.info: can only be used for conciously changing the info dictionary
- photo.get_info(): returns a copy of photo.info. This needs always to
be used for data look up to avoid that by accident data can be

Maybe I'm exaggerating with this distinction, but better safe than sorry.

Please start testing the write tag action. I'm sure there will be many
bugs as it is quite an open ended feature. Does any of you know which
file formats support exif and iptc tags as I should not try to write
this kind of metadata to a bmp for example? Jpeg supports it, tiff
also? Which others?

Hope everything is clear,

Phatch Photo Batch Processor - http://photobatch.stani.be
SPE Python IDE - http://pythonide.stani.be