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[Merge] lp:~jochym/phatch/warm_up_action into lp:phatch


Paweł T. Jochym has proposed merging lp:~jochym/phatch/warm_up_action into lp:phatch.

    Requested reviews:
    stani (stani)

This is branch separated from Actions(parent) in the one-action-per-branch style.
This branch has only WarmUp action and all corrections/changes suggested by
Stani have been incorporated. 

I think it is ready to consider for merging into the trunk.

Your team Phatch Developers is subscribed to branch lp:phatch.
=== added file 'phatch/actions/warm_up.py'
--- phatch/actions/warm_up.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ phatch/actions/warm_up.py	2010-02-16 14:20:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# Phatch - Photo Batch Processor
+# Copyright (C) 2007-2008 www.stani.be
+# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program.  If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/
+# Phatch recommends SPE (http://pythonide.stani.be) for editing python files.
+# Embedded icon is designed by Igor Kekeljevic (http://www.admiror-ns.co.yu).
+# Based on Stani's colorize
+# This action is (C) 2010 by Pawel T. Jochym <jochym@xxxxxxxxx>
+# Make a colorized version of the image with midtone shifted to 
+# prescribed color value. 
+from core import models
+from core.translation import _t
+def init():
+    global Image, ImageMath, ImageColor, imtools
+    import Image, ImageMath, ImageColor
+    from lib import imtools
+def warmup(image,midtone,brighten,amount=100):
+    """Apply a toning filter. Move the midtones to the desired
+    color while preserving blacks and whites with optional mixing 
+    with original image - amount: 0-100%"""
+    mode=image.mode
+    info=image.info
+    if image.mode != 'L':
+        im = imtools.convert(image,'L')
+    else:
+        im = image
+    if imtools.has_transparency(image):
+        image = imtools.convert(image,'RGBA')
+    luma=imtools.convert(im.split()[0],'F')
+    o=[]
+    m=ImageColor.getrgb(midtone)
+    b=brighten/600.0
+    # Calculate channels separately
+    for l in range(3):
+        o.append(ImageMath.eval(
+            "m*(255-i)*i+i", 
+            i=luma, 
+            m=4*((m[l]/255.0)-0.5+b)/255.0 ).convert('L'))
+    colorized = Image.merge('RGB', tuple(o) )
+    if imtools.has_alpha(image):
+        imtools.put_alpha(colorized, image.split()[-1])
+    if amount < 100:
+        colorized=imtools.blend(image, colorized, amount/100.0)
+    return colorized
+class Action(models.Action):
+    label       = _t('Warm Up')
+    author      = 'Pawel T. Jochym'
+    email       = 'jochym@xxxxxxxxx'
+    init        = staticmethod(init)
+    pil         = staticmethod(warmup)
+    version     = '0.2'
+    tags        = [_t('filter'),_t('color')]
+    __doc__     = _t('Warm up or colorize midtones of an image')
+    def interface(self,fields):
+        fields[_t('Midtone')]  = self.ColorField('#805d40')
+        fields[_t('Brighten')]  = self.SliderField(50,0,100)
+        fields[_t('Amount')] = self.SliderField(50,1,100)
+    icon = \
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