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Re: Trouble building under macos/fink


On Mon, Jun 18, 2012 at 1:32 AM, Olivier Tilloy <olivier@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi Dan,
> Dan Christian a écrit :
>> I'm trying to get pyexiv2-0.3.2 to build on MacOS-10.6 under fink.
>> Boost is 1.46.  gcc is 4.4.
>> The attached file shows the changes that I made:
>>   Put /sw/include in the include path (to find boost)
>>   Link against boost_python-mt
> To link against a different version of boost (such as boost_python-mt), no
> need to modify the build script, all you need to do is invoke it like this:
>    scons BOOSTLIB=boost_python-mt

OK.  Is there an easy way to find key variables like this?

>> I then build like this:
>> CXX=g++-4 LDFLAGS="-L/sw/lib" python2.7 /sw/bin/scons -k

> I never actually built on Mac, so unfortunately I don’t think I can be of
> any real help.
> However I can see two different outputs above, apparently corresponding to
> two different build configurations. What were the commands invoked in both
> cases?

It's excerpts from a single build (to try to minimize spamming the
list).  The command line is shown.

>> A couple things are different than the Linux build example on the web
> This is most likely because you added the following line to the SConscript
> file:
>    +env.Program('exiv2wrapper.cpp')

Ah, I was copying an example to set the include path and didn't know
what I was doing.  Removing that line fixes that part.

I still have the non_lazy_ptr problem.  I don't know C++ well enough
to understand this and why it doesn't happen on Linux.

