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Re: Question and Issue



On Tue, Aug 17, 2010 at 10:39:21AM +0200, everfly@xxxxxxx wrote:
> Hi,
> I didn't success to create a log file :/
> The output on stdout is too verbose and I have my coveart stored in data field
> of my mp3. So the verbose is very long and as I control my server remotely,
> it's impossible to mount one partition and to obtain a logfile with this
> command :
>         pytagsfs -d -o source_iocharset=iso-8859-1 -o format='/%a/%l/%t.%e' -o dstfilter='^/[0a-eA-E].*' -o allow_other -o uid=1000 -o gid=33 -o verbosity=warning -o logsize=100000000 /sharezone2/Musique/ /mnt/Music/Artist/0A-E/ > output.log

I'm sorry, you'll want to redirect stderr also:

  pytagsfs -d -o source_iocharset=iso-8859-1 -o format='/%a/%l/%t.%e' -o dstfilter='^/[0a-eA-E].*' -o allow_other -o uid=1000 -o gid=33 -o verbosity=warning -o logsize=100000000 /sharezone2/Musique/ /mnt/Music/Artist/0A-E/ >output.log 2>&1

Can you capture a log that way, compress it, and send it?

> There is a way to minimize output or to turn off stdout ?
> Some songs of my collection have an accentuated title or space in title. Is it
> a problem ?

It shouldn't be.  If it is, it's a bug.

Forest Bond

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