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Re: Improved Search


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Hello David,

On 02.06.2012 00:11, David Sidler wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm new to launchpad, but i checked out the few days ago and
> started to modify the search.

Welcome to the mailing list then. If you feel like it, you could
publish your work on Launchpad as Bazaar branch. This would make it
much easier to discuss it in detail if you are interested in that.

> So here is how i imagine the an improved search: - search index
> creation after opening the file for way faster search - the
> standard search in the bottom toolbar has an additional button for 
> advanced search - the advanced search is in the sidebar (like the
> ouline). it supports more search options and is able to search in
> all open tabs

Searching all open tabs at once sounds intriguing to me and a dock
seems an sensible choice for the interface. The DocumentView class
would surely have to get a more extensive interface to the search and
its results, but that seems implied by the first part anyway.

But personally, I am not to sure that generating a full-text index of
every document opened is really worth it. How would you want to store
that index in memory? (IMHO, it should not consume memory if index
creation is disabled by a runtime setting. (Maybe it could happen only
when the advanced search is activated anyway?))

Even though search is admittedly a bit slow, I think the compromise of
always searching the whole document in the background works quite
nicely as one usually gets the next results instantaneously after
hitting the first result. But let's see where this goes...

Best regards, Adam.
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