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Re: SyncTeX support


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After using this for a while for my own TeX work and testing it with
Benjamin, I decided to merge this into trunk hence the branch
"synctex" is no longer needed and testing should be done through by
the usual means, i.e. building trunk or using the dailydebs.

On 21.09.2012 10:13, Adam Reichold wrote:
> Some unknown person forgot to actually add the SyncTeX parser
> source to his Bazaar commit so that the code from Launchpad would
> not compile... This is fixed now... :-\
> On 21.09.2012 08:22, Adam Reichold wrote:
>> Thinks are coming together. The "synctex" branch now has the new
>>  settings "highlight duration" and "source editor" to control the
>>  SyncTeX behaviour. Also README, manual page and online help got 
>> updated.
>> Please report any issues you find. Best regards, Adam.
>> P.S.: This also means that the settings "synchronizeProgram" has 
>> been renamed to "sourceEditor".
>> On 20.09.2012 20:09, Adam Reichold wrote:
>>> After some more work, the "synctex" branch now supports inverse
>>>  search using SyncTeX as well. Synchronization is activated by
>>>  double-clicking the page.
>>> For this to be really useful, you have to set two variables in
>>>  "~/.config/qpdfview/qpdfview.conf" in the "[documentView]" 
>>> section:
>>> highlightDuration=5000
>>> This set the duration of the temporary highlights in 
>>> microseconds, e.g. the default 5000 are 5 seconds.
>>> synchronizeProgram=gedit \"%1\" +%2:%3
>>> This has not default and is the program that is called to 
>>> synchronize you editor of choice. In this string, %1 is
>>> replaced by the absolute path of the TeX file, %2 is line
>>> number and %3 is the column number. (Of course, you can just
>>> leave out %3 if you don't need it. SyncTeX does not really
>>> support it yet anyway.)
>>> Happy testing. Best regards, Adam.
>>> P.S.: If the feedback is positive and this is included, all of
>>>  this will of course be documented and the settings be made 
>>> available in the setings dialog.
>>> On 20.09.2012 14:12, Adam Reichold wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I just uploaded a branch of qpdfview that is called "synctex"
>>>>  because it implements SyncTeX support. (Well, actually only
>>>>  forward search for the momment.) You can get the code by 
>>>> doing: bzr branch lp:~adamreichold/qpdfview/synctex
>>>> It would be very helpful if some people find the time to test
>>>>  whether this works. (And whether disabling it works as 
>>>> well...)
>>>> The command-line syntax is qpdfview 
>>>> filePath#src:sourceName:sourceLine:sourceColumn which will
>>>> try to jump to the page corresponding to line "sourceLine"
>>>> and column "sourceColumn" in the TeX file "sourceName" and 
>>>> highlight its results. If you don't want to specify a line
>>>> or column use 0. (There is no documentation of this anywhere 
>>>> yet.)
>>>> So if you work on a TeX file called "foo.tex" which creates 
>>>> "foo.pdf" you can for example use
>>>> pdflatex -syntex=1 foo.tex qpdfview --unique foo.pdf & [...]
>>>>  edit something on line 15 [...] pdflatex -synctex=1 foo.tex
>>>>  qpdfview --unique foo.pdf#src:foo.tex:15:0
>>>> to jump to and highlight the results of line 15. (Or use
>>>> your TeX workflow of choice...)
>>>> SyncTeX support can be disabled by passing 
>>>> "CONFIG+=without_synctex" to "qmake". The SyncTeX version 
>>>> included in the source is 1.17 from TeXLive 2012.
>>>> Thanks for your help. Best regards, Adam.
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