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[Question #707222]: Submit qpdfview to flathub.org?


New question #707222 on qpdfview:


Would you be interested in distributing qpdfview through flathub.org?

1. it gives access to qpdfview to users on certain Linux distributions: Fedora Silverblue, the recently released Steam Deck.
2. it gives the latest qpdfview to users stuck on old Linux distributions (for those who want it).
3. it adds sandboxing which is quite useful for a document viewer dealing with untrusted input.
4. flatpaks can be installed on machines where users do not have root access.

I wrote a build manifest here:


but flathub maintainers ask that applications be submitted by their original developers. If none of them are interested, a third party like myself could do it, but only with your blessing.

If you would like to do it yourself, you can submit the above manifest or use it as a starting point. The docs are here:


This would be the best case for users since qpdfview gets marked as an official package.

If you are okay with me doing it, please say so, and I will use this question as proof when opening a pull request.

If you'd rather not have it there at all, no worries. I'll treat this as learning experience.


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