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Feed back from Kevin


Hi guys,

I have had a very good chat with Kevin (godbyk) on irc he made several
useful comments on quickshot. I have attached the relevant parts of the
logs for you to read. Kevin is also preparing a report on it as well.

I will try and finish my manual writing by wednesday and then tackle the
things mentioned by kevin, especially as they are things I can change.

Many thanks

Luke Jennings 

[22:26] <godbyk> ubuntujenkins: are you on the frontend or backend of things?  it's been a while since I've seen the workflow on the front-end, but when I last saw it (some weeks ago), it looked like there might have been a couple unnecessary steps in there.  is there a current diagram showing the user's path through the program?
[22:27] <ubuntujenkins> Have a run of main and see what you think godbyk I am mostly front end the python is to hard for me. I will be interested if it works for you. btw a package call disper will be installed it allows us to deal with nvidia stuff
[22:28] <godbyk> ubuntujenkins: how do I test quickshot and do I need to close all my programs first (so it can log out)?
[22:29] <ubuntujenkins> godbyk: go to the quickshot diectory where the banch is and do "quickly run" and follow thought the instructions if you have done it before do "quickly run -r"
[22:30] <godbyk> ubuntujenkins: shall I dump my stream-of-consciousness thoughts here for ya?
[22:31] <ubuntujenkins> please do godbyk or paste bin it and then link it to me
[22:31] <godbyk> okay. here goes:
[22:31] <godbyk> the window doesn't need to be resizable.  if you allow resizing the elements in the window should resize appropriately.  right now it just ads extra padding which isn't helpful.
[22:31] <godbyk> the Cancel button should probably be renamed Close
[22:32] <godbyk> the about dialog says version 0.03, but the main window says version 0.02
[22:33] <godbyk> File > Quit should have a shortcut key (Ctrl+Q) associated with it.
[22:33] <godbyk> might be better to go with File > Close (Ctrl+W) instead. I'd have to check the current HIG for what's proper now.
[22:33] <godbyk> the Next and Cancel buttons are too wide.
[22:34] <godbyk> [regretting this yet? :-)]
[22:34] <ubuntujenkins> no this is good no one has given us much feed back on the project so far
[22:35] <godbyk> clicking next causes the program to appear to lock up.  there's no status as to what it's doing or why it's taking so long.
[22:35] <ubuntujenkins> which next buttons that?
[22:35] <godbyk> the first next button.  while it's downloading disper in the background.
[22:36] <ubuntujenkins> that will hopefully go, I am hoping to have disper as a dependcey
[22:36] <godbyk> the next thing I see as the user is the dialog asking for my password, telling me it wants to install something.  that's kinda scary.
[22:36] <godbyk> okay
[22:37] <godbyk> if I cancel the password dialog and click close on the next password dialog (it's rather persistent, isn't it?), then quickshot closes without another word on the gui side.
[22:37] <godbyk> the only reason I know what's going on is because I saw the console output in the terminal window.
[22:37] <godbyk> I'm letting it install disper this time.
[22:38] <godbyk> there's no progress display during the install, either.
[22:38] <godbyk> okay, it's asking for a pwd for the quickshot user.
[22:38] <godbyk> the text is all centered. that's bad.
[22:38] <ubuntujenkins> thats my fault
[22:38] <ubuntujenkins> thats easy to change
[22:39] <godbyk> you say I should enter the password for the new user in the boxes below.  there's only one box.
[22:39] <ubuntujenkins> lol
[22:39] <godbyk> the spacing and button positions don't follow the HIG either.
[22:39] <godbyk> if I hit the Close button, quickshot exits without another word.
[22:40] <ubuntujenkins> what do you expect it to say?
[22:40] <godbyk> admit that it can't continue without creating the quickshot user.  give me options to go back and create the user or to give up on the whole quickshot thing.
[22:41] <ubuntujenkins> ok i see
[22:41] <godbyk> there was another long delay after entering the pwd for the quickshot user. no status reports and the UI kind of freezes during that time.
[22:41] <godbyk> on this screen it says a new user has been created called "Quickshot" with a capital Q.  on the previous screen it was lowercase Q.
[22:42] <ubuntujenkins> thats alos caused by a tempoary bit of code untill we have aproper program it has to pull the bzr branch into the quickshot user
[22:42] <godbyk> centered text and button possitions again.
[22:42] <godbyk> Close button has C underlined, but Login button doesn't have a shortcut key.
[22:42] <godbyk> will clicking the login button switch users or actually log me out?
[22:43] <godbyk> i.e., will it close all of my programs and cause me to lose work?
[22:43] <ubuntujenkins> switch users, but just in case please save everything it has worked so far but..
[22:43] <godbyk> might be good to note that in this window.
[22:43] <godbyk> I'll be back in a sec. going to hit the login button.
[22:44] <ubuntujenkins> kk godbyk
[22:44]  * ubuntujenkins bets godbyk will mention about centred text again :-)
[22:45] <ubuntujenkins> kk
[22:46] <godbyk-quickshot> okay.. logged in as quickshot now.
[22:46] <godbyk-quickshot> when quickshot starts up again, it shows the same first screen as before..
[22:47] <godbyk-quickshot> where it says it will create a new user and I'll be prompted for my password during setup, etc.
[22:47] <ubuntujenkins> yep I will chanage  text in the lable
[22:47] <godbyk-quickshot> if I'm already logged in as quickshot, then it should instead give me a 'congratulations!' dialog and continue on.
[22:47] <godbyk-quickshot> clicking next took a while.
[22:47] <godbyk-quickshot> the window disappeared for a bit.
[22:48] <godbyk-quickshot> just came back with the warning. lemme read this.
[22:48] <ubuntujenkins> yep i can tidy that up easy
[22:48] <godbyk-quickshot> non-standard dialog layout. see the gnome hig again for details.
[22:48] <godbyk-quickshot> there's no way for me to bail out at this point.. just the OK button.
[22:48] <ubuntujenkins> I think i need to eat the gnome hig :-)
[22:48] <godbyk-quickshot> going to hit the window's close button and see what happens.
[22:48] <ubuntujenkins> good point
[22:49] <godbyk-quickshot> closed the window with the window control and now I'm still logged in as quickshot without any idea of what's going on.
[22:49] <godbyk-quickshot> going to restart quickshot manually from a terminal.
[22:52] <godbyk-quickshot> okay
[22:52] <godbyk-quickshot> that didn't work well.
[22:52] <ubuntujenkins> what happend?
[22:52] <godbyk-quickshot> just changed the screen res to something (it claims)
[22:53] <godbyk-quickshot> everything is white except the quickshot dialog
[22:53] <ubuntujenkins> and did it?
[22:53] <godbyk-quickshot> not even sure if I'm typing in the xchat window
[22:53] <ubuntujenkins> you are
[22:53] <godbyk-quickshot> it said if I didn't hit 'ok' (with the timeout) that it would log me out.  why log me out?
[22:54] <godbyk-quickshot> brb, going to cancel  quickshot and see if I can see again
[22:54] <godbyk> okay, I'm back as me now.  had to hit ctrl+alt+f1 and alt+f7 to switch back to my regular user.
[22:55] <ubuntujenkins> logging out is the only way we can restores people resolution 100% of the time. godbyk
[22:55] <ubuntujenkins> you have a new bug if you can't see anything
[22:55] <godbyk> yeah, everything was completely white.
[22:55] <godbyk> I mean *completely*.
[22:55] <godbyk> the only thing I could see was the quickshot window.
[22:55] <godbyk> I could hit alt+tab and see the windows in the switcher list.
[22:56] <ubuntujenkins> you were typing in xchat still. that is very strange
[22:56] <godbyk> then I just waved my mouse around until it changed to the text insert I-beam cursor and typed into xchat.
[22:56] <godbyk> I've got a dual-head setup with an nvidia card.
[22:57] <ubuntujenkins> I have tested it on dual head it should work
[22:57] <godbyk> I'll try to switch back to the quickshot user and see if it's any better.
[22:57] <godbyk> one sec
[22:57] <ubuntujenkins> godbyk: can you open a terminal and do disper -l an post please
[22:58] <godbyk> $ disper -l
[22:58] <godbyk> display DFP-0: Samsung SyncMaster
[22:58] <godbyk>  resolutions: 320x240, 400x300, 416x312, 512x384, 576x432, 680x384, 640x480, 720x450, 640x512, 800x512, 840x525, 800x600, 960x540, 832x624, 960x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1360x768, 1280x960, 1440x900, 1280x1024, 1400x1050, 1600x1024, 1600x1200
[22:58] <godbyk> display DFP-1: Samsung SyncMaster
[22:58] <godbyk>  resolutions: 320x240, 400x300, 416x312, 512x384, 576x432, 680x384, 640x480, 720x450, 640x512, 800x512, 840x525, 800x600, 960x540, 832x624, 960x600, 1024x768, 1152x864, 1360x768, 1280x960, 1440x900, 1280x1024, 1400x1050, 1600x1024, 1600x1200
[22:58] <ubuntujenkins> ok thats fine give quickshot another go
[22:58] <ubuntujenkins> I am not sure why it isn't working at this moment in time
[22:59] <godbyk-quickshot> okay. back as quickshot user. everything okay again here.
[22:59] <ubuntujenkins> nice what resolution are you at normal or not?
[22:59] <godbyk-quickshot> I'm normally running at 1600x1200 for both monitors.
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> and the nvidia tool says I'm running at that now under the quickshot user.
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> some output from the terminal:
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> $ ./run.sh
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> Running Quickshot
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> disper installed
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> write to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login".
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~quickshotdevs/quickshot/quickshot is permanently redirected to /~quickshotdevs/quickshot/quickshot/changes
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> You have not informed bzr of your Launchpad ID, and you must do this to
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> write to Launchpad or access private data.  See "bzr help launchpad-login".
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> No revisions to pull.
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> WARNING: you should run this program as super-user.
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> (whoa! sorry about the paste spam)
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> I don't know what program is running when it says it should be ran as root.
[23:00] <ubuntujenkins> lshw
[23:00] <godbyk-quickshot> ah
[23:01] <godbyk-quickshot> I'll run quickshot again and see what blows up
[23:01] <ubuntujenkins> nothing abnormal
[23:01] <ubuntujenkins> hang on
[23:01] <godbyk-quickshot> ok
[23:01] <ubuntujenkins> please do "disper -c -r 800x600" that should change your resolution
[23:02] <godbyk-quickshot> I'll try that. just a sec.
[23:02] <ubuntujenkins> cool
[23:02] <godbyk-quickshot> btw, hitting the window's close button when the 'hit okay to change resolutions' window is up doesn't cause quickshot to exit.  it just closes the window.
[23:03] <godbyk-quickshot> do I need to use sudo with disper?
[23:03] <ubuntujenkins> nope
[23:03] <godbyk-quickshot> 'kay. here goes.
[23:03] <godbyk-quickshot> wow
[23:03] <godbyk-quickshot> okay.
[23:03] <godbyk-quickshot> that worked.
[23:03] <godbyk-quickshot> definitely changed the res.
[23:04] <godbyk-quickshot> now both monitors are showing the same image, too.
[23:04] <ubuntujenkins> nice that sound good
[23:04] <godbyk-quickshot> can I just say how ugly 800x600 is?  it's been a long time... :)
[23:04] <godbyk-quickshot> should I change it back and let quickshot try it?
[23:04] <godbyk-quickshot> or just run quickshot from here?
[23:04] <ubuntujenkins> it is a pain I hate it I am toying with 1048x764
[23:04] <ubuntujenkins> chnage it back
[23:05] <ubuntujenkins> there is something wrong with that part of the code
[23:05] <godbyk-quickshot> okay.. back to two monitors, 1600x1200.
[23:05] <godbyk-quickshot> running quickshot again
[23:07] <ubuntujenkins> ok which packages do install on ubuntu-desktop?
[23:07] <godbyk-quickshot> okay, the res change worked this time.
[23:07] <godbyk-quickshot> uh oh
[23:08] <godbyk> heh
[23:08] <godbyk> okay. so if you click on the window close button on the 'yay, the new res worked!' screen, then you get logged out.
[23:08] <godbyk> that doesn't seem right.
[23:09] <ubuntujenkins> godbyk thats a code fail definaly needs a fix
[23:09] <godbyk> fair enough.
[23:09] <godbyk> I'm going back in. :)
[23:09]  * ubuntujenkins files 100 more bugs :-P
[23:09] <ubuntujenkins> \o/
[23:10] <ubuntujenkins> I am new to all the server and python and bzr and laytex stuff btw
[23:10] <ubuntujenkins> fair enough
[23:11] <godbyk> okay, it does indeed log you back out if you let the timer expire.
[23:11] <godbyk> going in again.
[23:12] <godbyk> oh, here's another bug for ya, ubuntujenkins: when quickshot first starts up, the default button is the Cancel button.
[23:12] <ubuntujenkins> sorry but which button godbyk?
[23:12] <godbyk> the code itself.. I dunno, I'd go with something pretty liberal like Apache or something.
[23:13] <godbyk> ubuntujenkins: on the first screen when you run 'quickly run'.. the Cancel button is what's highlighted. (so if I press Enter, that'll be the button that gets 'clicked')
[23:13] <godbyk> this is on the Welcome to Quickshot! screen.
[23:13] <ubuntujenkins> i see ok noted
[23:13] <godbyk> you should set the default buttons on all of the screens, actually.  I think most the screens didn't have defaults set.
[23:13] <godbyk> brb.. switching to quickshot again
[23:16] <godbyk-quickshot> okay, I made it to the 'choose your language/screenshot' dialog.
[23:16] <godbyk-quickshot> the first two paragraphs are unnecessary.
[23:16] <ubuntujenkins> woooo thats as far as it goes in main
[23:16] <godbyk-quickshot> the program doesn't need to brag about what it's done, and that info isn't particularly helpful to the user.
[23:17] <ubuntujenkins> ok also noted
[23:17] <ubuntujenkins> it works aparently
[23:18] <ubuntujenkins> thanks godbyk-quickshot any other thoughts?
[23:18] <godbyk-quickshot> hitting cancel makes the window go away.  but the process is just marked <defunct>
[23:20] <godbyk-quickshot> ubuntujenkins, you should also make sure I'm not already running at 800x600 before you tell me you're going to change the res.
[23:20] <ubuntujenkins> thanks very much godbyk-quickshot lots to do I am going to mail the list the log
[23:20] <ubuntujenkins> that could be hard
[23:20] <ubuntujenkins> *very
[23:21] <godbyk-quickshot> I'm going to logout of quickshot. brb.
[23:22] <godbyk> okay, back.
[23:23] <godbyk> It seemed like quickshot spent a lot of time telling me what it had done, what it was doing, and what it was going to do.
[23:23] <godbyk> Most of that can be hidden behind a progress bar and a small label.
[23:23] <ubuntujenkins> I didn't write those bits.
[23:23] <ubuntujenkins> I will change them
[23:24] <godbyk> Only pester the user if you're about to do something potentially dangerous or if you require information from the user.
[23:25] <ubuntujenkins> ok I looked up the gnome hig and it is long
[23:26] <godbyk> We should strive to make it as easy as possible for the user (at the sake of making it more difficult for the developer).
[23:26] <godbyk> heh, yeah, it is.
[23:26] <godbyk> You'll really only care about the dialog design parts, though.
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins>  * Restarting web server apache2                                                apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins> apache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins> (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins> (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins> no listening sockets available, shutting down
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins> Unable to open logs
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins>     I think it would be easyier if we could get it on a server so that all could look
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins> sorry about the spam
[23:27] <ubuntujenkins> ok got it godbyk I shall focus on those bits
[23:28] <ubuntujenkins> that would make more sense