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RQG failure with "DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attribute" perl DBD driver error.


Hi Team,

Recently I found an issue with RQG percona server 5.6 run. Some of the
trials were failing due to perl DBD driver issue.

{error} 2014-06-09T01:24:17 We have already exceeded time specified by
--duration=x; exiting now.
# 2014-06-09T01:24:17 Child worker process completed successfully.
# 2014-06-09T01:33:00 We have already exceeded time specified by
--duration=x; exiting now.
# 2014-06-09T01:33:03 Child worker process completed successfully.
DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attribute at
/usr/lib64/perl5/DBI.pm line 705.
# 2014-06-09T01:33:52 Query: ALTER TABLE `table100_memory_int_autoinc`
KEY_BLOCK_SIZE = 2 failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server during query
# 2014-06-09T01:33:52 Query: FLUSH TABLE n failed: 2013 Lost connection to
MySQL server during query
# 2014-06-09T01:33:53 Query:  TRUNCATE `table100_tokudb_int`  failed: 2013
Lost connection to MySQL server during query
# 2014-06-09T01:33:54 Query:  INSERT INTO y SELECT * FROM
`table500_tokudb_int_autoinc`  failed: 2013 Lost connection to MySQL server
during query
# 2014-06-09T01:34:17 Test completed with failure status
# 2014-06-09T01:34:21 gentest.pl exited with exit status
2014-06-09T01:34:21 [8171] /ssd/qa56val/randgen/runall.pl will exit with
exit status STATUS_SERVER_CRASHED (101)

Similar bug has been reported by Craig Manley in bugs.mysql.com

I was able to reproduce the error with a sample perl script provided in the
bug. Whenever the script execute  the line "local $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} =
0;", perl is terminating with the message "DBD driver has not implemented
the AutoCommit attribute"

$ ./test.pl
AutoCommit: 1
AutoCommit: 1
DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attribute at ./test.pl line

Version info
Perl DBI : perl-DBD-MySQL-4.013-3.el6.x86_64
Percona Server : 5.6.17
OS : CentOS

Upgraded DBD::mysql module using CPAN to check the issue.

After upgrading perl DBD::mysql module, sample perl program did not
terminate in line "local $dbh->{'AutoCommit'} = 0;".

$ sudo cpanm DBD::mysql
DBD::mysql is up to date. (4.027)

$ ./test.pl
AutoCommit: 1
AutoCommit: 1

Feel free to use this workaround if you see this issue in RQG

Best Regards,

*Ramesh Sivaraman, Jr. QA Engineer, Percona*
http://www.percona.com/ <http://percona.com/>
Phone : +91 9886276761
Skype : rameshvs02

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